Does FedEx do Background Check?
Yes, FedEx conducts background checks on job applicants as part of its hiring process. These checks typically occur after a conditional job offer and may include a review of criminal history, employment verification, education verification, and, in some cases, drug screening. The extent of the background check often depends on the specific role and the applicable local or state laws.
For positions that involve driving, such as delivery drivers, FedEx places particular emphasis on reviewing motor vehicle records to ensure candidates have a clean driving history. Regarding criminal records, FedEx evaluates each case individually. A conviction does not necessarily disqualify a candidate, as the company considers factors like the nature of the offense, its relevance to the job, and the time that has passed since the conviction.
FedEx complies with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and all relevant laws. If any concerns arise during the background check, applicants are usually given an opportunity to explain or dispute the findings.
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